Cheapest way to get from Helsingor, Denmark to Helsingborg, Sweden - Things To Do

Helsingborg is one of the oldest town in Sweden, it is located just across the Helsingor which is also known as Elsinore located in territory of Denmark.  Do I need a Corona Test before going to Helsingborg if I am a resident of Denmark? - No, you don't need to have a Coronatest result inorder to  enter the territory of Sweden in Helsingborg (Updated as of July). Please check the Sweden Regulations about travel restrictions before you go if there are any changes. How to get there? By Ferry - If you are just going to Helsingborg by foot (without your own vehicle) you have to check the website of to check the ticket fee and time schedule of the ferries. It is usually available every 20 mins and the travel time usually takes 20 mins also from Helsingor going to Helsingborg port or central station.  Or, If you are in the station of helsingor, the Forsea is just in the right side. Enter the building and the ticket counter is located in the second floor.

Sunset in Damhussøen

Savoring the parting kiss of the sunset before the night comes is the most intense feeling you will ever encounter.

While I was cycling in the street near where I stayed in Copenhagen, I saw this one majestic sunset that captured my eyes instantly, I never thought that I will be able to witness this noble sunset near our place. I think it is the perfect spot where you can find it.

Damhussøen is the perfect spot for sunset, there's a lake, swans, ducks, lake houses, and beautiful birds flying in the sky while you watch the sunset. It is the perfect spot to watch with your family, lover, and friends.

The sunset is so beautiful that will make you realize that no matter how imperfect your day has been, it will always end up perfectly just like the day ending with a vibrant color of the sunset. They are not rare and seasonal, they are always there night and day. 

If you are having a bumpy day or a pleasant day, don't end your day without a glimpse of this magnificent sunset.

How to get there from Copenhagen Central Station?

  1. By Car - you can drive from the Copenhagen Central Station. It is just 6.3 km or 14 - 16 minutes' drive depending on road condition.
  2. By Train - you can ride the C-train Frederiksberg from the Copenhagen Central Station and drop in the Peter Bangs Vej Station. From Peter Bangs Vej station, you can walk there about 7- 9 minutes going to Damhussøen. 
  3. By Bicycle - From the Copenhagen Central Station, you can be there by 21-22 minutes. Just make sure that you are in the right bicycle lane to avoid accidents.


Don't forget to bring your camera or mobile phones if you are interested to capture the sunset. Make your ISO low for better shots.


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